Tips to Consider Regarding Saving a Drowning Victim
Each year, it is drowning that is the fourth main cause of accidental deaths each year. It is this one that commonly occurs in children and individuals below 18 years of age. During boating as well as in the swimming pool that drowning usually happens. When it is drowning that you will be taking a look at that it can also happen during natural calamities. It is also drowning that can also happen due to the lack of education of people with regards to proper supervision when in the water. When you will take a look at some people that they also do not know the first aid when it comes to saving people from downing. Saving your life and the life of others is a thing that you are able to do once you will know what to do. When you would want to save someone from drowning that there are things that you need to know and that is what we will be talking about in this article.
The very first thing that you need to do when trying to save a person of drowning is to assess the situation. Becoming a casualty can happen to you once you will be trying to save someone from drowning without assessing things. It is important to remember that it is you that should not try to rescue someone if it will also put your life at risk. A tragic thing will happen if you will try to be heroic during these times. There are some people though that are lucky enough to save someone else’s life without a tragic end like Barry Weir.
Whenever you will be rescuing someone trait is drowning that it is important to throw them a life jacket or a buoy attached to a pole or stick. Always see that at the object that you are throwing is the one that is also secured. By making sure if this one that you’ll also be able to pull the victim to shore. If you think that you are a strong swimmer that it is also you that can pull the victim to shore by swimming to them. You have to make sure though that you are strong enough to support the body of the victim. If the victim is heavier than you that you will find it hard to do this one.
When it is you that have already brought the victim to shore that you should see to it that you will be doing CPR right away. Whenever individual will lack oxygen to the brain that it is one of the main cause of death. And for this very reason that it is important to see to it that the excess fluids will be removed from the lungs to get the victim breathing again.