5 Uses For Governments

All You Need To Know About General William Kip Ward

The General William Kip Ward was born in Baltimore, Maryland on June 3rd 1949. The general started by attaining his first degree at Morgan State University. During his study at the university, he decided to join the (ROTG). After leaving the university, he ended up joining the United States Command and General Staff College and later War College.

By serving as a military soldier, General E. Ward was required to travel to different nation with the aim of serving its nation. These overseas trips that the general took cannot be takes for granted as the mission given was always accomplished.

However, General Ward was demoted by the then Washington Defense Secretary Leon Panetta on claims that embezzled military funds and ended up channeling then for family and personal use. These claims and investigations forced his resignation making him fall out of the military as a three-star Lieutenant general. In conjunction with retirement, William Kip ward was ordered by the Secretary to pay back $82,000 to the government. Being demoted as a three star meant that the former head of United States Africa Command would lose $30,000 a year as opposed to if he retired as a four star.

The report showed that the general went an extra mile in allocating his wife a military car for her personal lifestyle. It was also discovered that there was $750 of state money was used by the general to pay for a suite on unofficial function. The general was also accused of prolonging war trips at the expense of state funds.

The Washington secretary demotion process was faced with a number of complications. William Kip Ward was left with few choices such as to pressure the general to retire being a three star lieutenant General or to be soft hearted and let William E. Ward to retire as a four-star Lieutenant General.

The investigations ended up taking too much time and it ended up making Ward being temporarily dropped to two-star general status. After almost forty years of service to his nation, General William Ward retired. During the retirement day, the commander in chief awarded General William E. Ward with a distinguished Service Medal as well as a military services. The state also decided to give the general’s wife a number of awards as a token of appreciation. Afterwards, General William E. Ward’s family decided to give back to the society by offering various donations to a number of institutions.

Many citizens and personnel serving in the military will always acknowledge the role general William Kip Ward played in serving his nation and military. these personality will always be remembered for the roles that they played.