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Who Is A Christian Leader?

Peple always discuss the qualifications of a good Christian leader who should lead the congregation. There are so many attributes which people believe that they define wghat Christina leadership entails. Nonetheless, people lok upto the only example of human leadership which is perfect and that is Jesus Christ. There are other disciples from whom Christians draw their guidance in choosing their leaders in the Christian set-up. According to Todd Shupe, people always wish to feel loved and appreciated by others. Love can be categorized into 2 groups which are absolute as well as limited. Christian leaders are supposed to execute unconditional love to other people. According to Todd Shupe, human beings are expected to love one another unconditionally.

It is a requirement for you to be kind and be in a position to live a life that gives a good example to others. In most cases, a lot of people fail to know the importance of setting an example of Christian leadership. Jesus Christ is the only way to right Christian leadership. Christian leadership does not come from attending classes, but rather it is cultivated by the holy spirit. People are supposed to know whether they are chosen by God to become leaders. Only the saved individuals are in a position to become Christian leaders It is a requirement that you be a believer so that you can be filled with the gift of leadership.

It is essential for one to possess the qualities of a good leadership right from their youth age. The the fact that you have been in leadership position earlier make it easy for you to drive the church once you get a chance to lead in the church set up. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that a leader can be born even at old age. The supreme power is what directs one on what to incorporate into the leadership position. Any leader who does not come from God will work distinctively compared to those who have been given that position by a human being. It is a requirement for you to treat people equally and show concern to them too. As long as you have all the qualities, you will be in a better position to lead the congregation.

Compared to other types of leaders, the Christina leaders rely on the guidance they get from the holy spirit You will always be able to differentiate what is right or wrong. Christina leadership is not rigid. This is where the Tode Shupe’s conviction applies because Christian leadership dictates that one gives unconditional love to the people they serve.