Understanding Veterans Hearing Loss Compensation
Hearing loss compensation is available for individuals who have served in the military and have suffered hearing loss because of this. However, getting this disability compensation can be confusing. Below are things you should know about hearing loss compensation.
When a military serviceman is on the war field, he is subjected to extremely loud noises. There are many veterans who have suffered trauma to their hearing while serving in the military. Many military servicemen do not know how they can avail of hearing loss compensation and how this hearing loss can be treated through the VA.
Here are some things that you need to know about service connection and how to get disability compensation if you have suffered hearing loss due to your military service.
Veterans who have incurred or aggravated a hearing disability while serving in the military can benefit from hearing disability compensation. The range of disability that qualifies for compensation ranges from 10% to 100% disability.
The Veterans Benefits Administration is responsible for compensating these veterans. It is the Veterans Health Administration that provides hearing aids for veterans. There are two different offices for compensation claims and hearing aid provision.
You can receive help from your local VA accredited representative if you are going to file for hearing loss compensation claim. There are other ways of filing your compensation and they are either an online filing or you can also mail claim form to the VA.
Once you file your claim, a hearing evaluation for your claim will be conducted at a place which is not where you get your hearing aids. In this hearing evaluation, they will determine if your hearing loss is a result of your time in the military. In this exam, they will examine the history of your case and a comprehensive hearing evaluation. You need to inform them of the symptoms that you are experiencing which can be dizziness, ringing in the eras, ear infection, and hearing difficulty. You can have other supporting information including private sector hearing evaluations or any other kind of medical information that is pertinent to your specific situation.
They will review the results of your hearing evaluation together with you. And, if you need hearing aids, you will be referred to the VHA. After this, a rating process will be conducted in the service office where they will submit all your information. Your percentage rating will depend on the severity of your hearing related disability If you get a 0% rating, then you disqualify for hearing loss compensation because the amount of disability you have does not warrant it. You can appeal this decision if you do not agree with it.
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